Senior College Survey

Please remember this is required by every senior to complete. 

Please make sure that you walk through this slideshow with students, as it is very confusing to have them complete on their own with zero guidance. Some questions are required.

  •  If you have any questions that you are not able to answer, call Brenda at extension x7049 or Lois at x7046. 
  • If students have individual problems, please send them to the counseling office for help.

 Thank you.

Planning ahead: 5/7- Senior Celebrations in your advisory.
  • Please remember that next week we have EOCs. You will see your advisory kiddos every day during lunch (Freshmen/Sophomore advisories have first lunch, juniors/seniors have second lunch - you eat when your advisory kiddos eat). 
  •  During this time please plan your senior celebration that will take place during the seniors last advisory on 5/7.