March 26 Advisory

Joyful Jays: Go to slide 3 and choose a box with a lesson to complete with your kiddos.

We have already completed the lesson on Gratitude so please choose a different one! 

March 12 extended Advisory

Broke 30 for 30 Video: Click on link for video

For the extended advisory students will be watching the ESPN film Broke which shows the lives and spending habits of certain athletes. These athletes talk about the downfalls of financial decisions they made and what happens to their money when they stopped playing.

Before watching the movie ask the students to come up with a number they felt if they make per year there would be no way they would go broke. Once you get this number from the students write it on the board and they will see how their number compares to some of the amounts these athletes made.

Once you have stopped the video discuss with the class what poor decisions these people made with their money. Do some of these same decisions apply to people who go broke that don't make millions?

*You could also ask students to google athletes or professionals that have had financial trouble since the film was released as these names may be more relevant to them. 

Make sure to start the video from the beginning. I am probably going to show 45 minutes to an hour depending on how interested my kids are in it and then give them the rest of the hour to work on assignments or homework they have. This is up to you. You can always do grade checks if you have time.

March 5 Advisory


1. Check in with students regarding their progress towards the goals they mapped out on paper at the beginning of the semester. Encourage them to note any progress or adjustments they may need to make in order to reach their goal.

2. Pass out the PT Conference Goals worksheet to students to complete. These were in your mailboxes this morning. Students are only to fill in the first column, with Hour, Subject, Teacher, Room and Grade. The notes section is for Parents to take notes on conference night. Please collect the forms at the end of advisory and turn them in to Lois Magnuson in the guidance office.

                            PT Conference Form                                            Goal Tracking Sheet