Last Senior Advisory!

Today is the last advisory with our Seniors!

  • If you planed a party you may be celebrating today!
  • Laptop turn in (see slides)
  • If not just do a grade check and any special good-byes/activities you would like to do with your seniors as we wish them well! 

Senior College Survey

Please remember this is required by every senior to complete. 

Please make sure that you walk through this slideshow with students, as it is very confusing to have them complete on their own with zero guidance. Some questions are required.

  •  If you have any questions that you are not able to answer, call Brenda at extension x7049 or Lois at x7046. 
  • If students have individual problems, please send them to the counseling office for help.

 Thank you.

Planning ahead: 5/7- Senior Celebrations in your advisory.
  • Please remember that next week we have EOCs. You will see your advisory kiddos every day during lunch (Freshmen/Sophomore advisories have first lunch, juniors/seniors have second lunch - you eat when your advisory kiddos eat). 
  •  During this time please plan your senior celebration that will take place during the seniors last advisory on 5/7.

Joyful Jays Lesson #3

Joyful Jays Choice Day--choose an activity that you haven't completed yet.

Advisors: Go to slide 3 and pick a door. We have completed the Gratitude lesson so please select a different door for today's activity. Review the selected activity in advance as some may require materials like paper or post-its.  

The list of supplies for the lessons is as follows:
  • Diversity & Inclusion 
    • 2 short videos, 
    • copies "Iceberg handout" and 
    • post it notes or paper
  • Happiness & Growth Mindset
    • post-It note or paper
  • Happiness Day #1
    • Quiet music for reflection & paper
    • Prep for Happiness Stations
  • Happiness Day #2
    • 1 short video
    • Student created happiness stations 
  • The Power of Choice Day #1
    • 1 short video
    • paper
  • The Power of Choice Day #2
    • 15-minute video
    • post-it notes or paper

April 9th Advisory

During advisory today, AP PreAdmin sessions will be taking place in the Little Theater. There may a number of your students enrolled in AP classes that will be absent from advisory because they are attending this meeting. Please have them check in with you first before they go (or you can always check their schedules for AP verification).

 ** FYI: These meetings will also be offered Thursday and Friday during Advisory/LH in the Little Theater. 

  • All students have received two emails reminding them of the required PreAdm sessions. 

  • David McDorman is the Admin who is leading the AP Testing this year. 

  • For the seniors that are present in advisory, please do an action plan sheet check-in sheet. With seniors, it might be better to steer them onto pre-college check-in. You can use this checklist for ideas to talk about with your seniors (it is a work in progress so if you have something you think is beneficial to add for next year please let me know!)

Things to look forward to:

5/16/2019: While we are sad to see our seniors go, we will soon be welcoming our newest BLUE JAYS! On May 16th, we will have our class of 2023 Welcome day where the incoming freshmen come visit!

*On this day, advisors will be asked to come down to the fieldhouse for a quick intro before returning to your LH.

March 26 Advisory

Joyful Jays: Go to slide 3 and choose a box with a lesson to complete with your kiddos.

We have already completed the lesson on Gratitude so please choose a different one! 

March 12 extended Advisory

Broke 30 for 30 Video: Click on link for video

For the extended advisory students will be watching the ESPN film Broke which shows the lives and spending habits of certain athletes. These athletes talk about the downfalls of financial decisions they made and what happens to their money when they stopped playing.

Before watching the movie ask the students to come up with a number they felt if they make per year there would be no way they would go broke. Once you get this number from the students write it on the board and they will see how their number compares to some of the amounts these athletes made.

Once you have stopped the video discuss with the class what poor decisions these people made with their money. Do some of these same decisions apply to people who go broke that don't make millions?

*You could also ask students to google athletes or professionals that have had financial trouble since the film was released as these names may be more relevant to them. 

Make sure to start the video from the beginning. I am probably going to show 45 minutes to an hour depending on how interested my kids are in it and then give them the rest of the hour to work on assignments or homework they have. This is up to you. You can always do grade checks if you have time.

March 5 Advisory


1. Check in with students regarding their progress towards the goals they mapped out on paper at the beginning of the semester. Encourage them to note any progress or adjustments they may need to make in order to reach their goal.

2. Pass out the PT Conference Goals worksheet to students to complete. These were in your mailboxes this morning. Students are only to fill in the first column, with Hour, Subject, Teacher, Room and Grade. The notes section is for Parents to take notes on conference night. Please collect the forms at the end of advisory and turn them in to Lois Magnuson in the guidance office.

                            PT Conference Form                                            Goal Tracking Sheet

February 27th

Tuesday, February 26th - NO ADVISORY
  • Wednesday, February 27th - In place of advisory tomorrow, we will be having an assembly on Wednesday during LH with all students. See the attached speaker assembly bell schedule. 

  • Please tell your 5th-hour class to report to their 6th hour and check in for attendance before going to the assembly in the fieldhouse. Students can leave their bags in their 6th hour before heading to the fieldhouse. 

  • We need to have all students seated for the assembly, so if you can assist with moving kids from up top railings to a seated location that would be great! We will sit in our normal assembly spots (Freshmen, Sophmore, Junior, Senior) 

February 19 - District Survey

After the survey, allow students to have some focused study time. Please remember this is a time to support and connect with your Advisory students so please keep them with you for the duration of Advisory.

February 12 Gratitude Lesson

February 5

Action Plan Steps check-in with each student:
  • Conference with each student individually using their Action Plan Sheet.
  • Pull up student grades. On the Action Plan sheet, make a notation of student’s current grade and review their action steps. (Consider having the student record the grade to increase student ownership.)
  • Remember to be encouraging and inquire if they need additional supports. Example: Have the student log in to LEH to view their calendar and schedule tutoring times if needed.
  • Study time 

January 29th Advisory

Advisory Choice 

January 15: Panorama Survey

Panorama Survey
Implementation for students: January 15th, 2019 during Advisory

What is it?
The Panorama SEL Survey allows educational leaders to measure students’ and teachers’
perceptions of Social Emotional Learning, explore the results with interactive reports, and
provide educators with actionable strategies to build their students’ Social Emotional skills.

What is my access code?
Students will use their online student usernames as their access code. Access codes are case-sensitive. Students must type in their username in all lower-case

Next: Follow these directions to take the 2 embedded surveys.

January 11th: GOAL SETTING

GOAL SETTING: Students will use the form to set goals and action steps to achieve desired grades

  • Pass out Goal Setting Form to students
  • Students will fill out the forms
  • Students will take a picture of the completed goal setting paper. 
  • Encourage students will text or email the image to guardian/home.
  • Teachers will collect and keep the forms.
  • On 1/29 visit with each student to see if they spoke with their teachers. This should not be a punitive conversation. Instead, encourage students to take ownership of their goals/actions by speaking with adults that can support them in achieving their goals!
  • Students will revisit the goals on 2/5, 3/5, 4/2, and 5/7

January 10th

January 10th: Students will use this time to work on completing any scholarships for which they might be applying. Encourage students to browse the Naviance scholarships available as well.


January 9th

January 9th: Senior Meeting with counselors in Fieldhouse- All seniors should report to the fieldhouse for a meeting regarding community scholarship opportunities.

January 10th: Students will use this time to work on completing any scholarships for which they might be applying. Encourage students to browse the Naviance scholarships available as well.

January 8th

January 8th: Advisory Lesson: Welcome Back/Catch Up Rest of the week will be updated soon!

January 9th: Senior Meeting with counselors in Fieldhouse- All seniors should report to the fieldhouse for a meeting regarding community scholarship opportunities.