Wednesday 8/29/2018 - ACT and Advisory Choice

1. Student Grade Check-In - how are your kiddos doing? (Advisory Choice with any extra time)

2. Distribute ACT Info: Flyer and ACT Prep Classes and ACT Scores (see slideshow below)

Wednesday - August 22 - Senior Admin Chat

Senior Meeting/Handbook

After attendance, all Senior Advisories report to the Fieldhouse.

Tuesday - August 21 - Advisory Choice

Advisory Choice

Please click the Advisory Choice tab above to pick a lesson to connect with students today!

Monday - August 20 - Social Media 101

Advisor CLICK HERE for lesson plan

Then guide students through the slideshow below

August 16 - Canvas Tutorial

1. Show the Canvas Overview from the Student Perspective video to your advisory students. Make note of any questions you cannot answer on this Parking Lot document.

2. Review the Assignment Submissions video with your advisory students as this is the most common function that they will perform using Canvas. Make note of any questions you cannot answer on this Parking Lot document.

3. Show the students how to access Links to additional "How-To" videos for Canvas.
   (After clicking the link above, scroll down to the Students section for your how-to videos as shown below)

4. Show the students how to access Links to additional "How-To" user guides for Canvas. This is a great resource for students that prefer to read instructions rather than watching a tutorial video.

Extra Time?

August At-A-Glance

Today we will...
  1. Review the purpose of Advisory
  2. Get to know one another! (Ideas CLICK HERE)

Welcome, Blue Jays!

This is your Advisory space for your academic career at Liberty High School.  Your advisory teacher is different than a classroom teacher in that there is no grade for this class. The advisory teacher will support you in a variety of ways from academic support to building relationships as well as connecting you to community involvement and events. 

Fill your gratefulhearts with joy and bring peace throughout your day. (2).png

August At-A-Glance

Aug Dates
12—Abra House
Intro to Advisory
Planner (upon request - stuff faculty boxes w extras)
School Culture
-LEH/Share Club Involvement
Get to know activity
Senior Meeting/Handbook
Normal Advisory
Student Check In & Advisory Choice
ACT Info: Flyer and ACT Prep Classes and ACT Scores